What’s working and what’s hurting?

Look for just a moment today at a relationship that is important to you—with your spouse, your colleague, your child, etc. First, let thoughts of peaceful or funny or helpful aspects of the relationship come forth: Does your child allow you to laugh?

Does your spouse provide for you to the extent that you experience some financial peace? Does your colleague add something to the office/business that you are not in a position to add? Can you identify, accept and cherish this aspect of your relationship that is working?

Let memories of painful aspects of the same relationship come forth: Are you and your spouse repeatedly attempting to sway each other’s opinion on a closely held belief?

Can you choose today to respect that your partner’s belief in this area is based on sacred values that he/she holds dear, and can you recognize your spouse’s vulnerabilities in this area?

For today, can you turn somewhere else for validation of your OWN opinion—just as sacred as your spouse’s? If your child’s room is a mess, can your focus today be on helping her/him to tidy?

How can you step away from the hurt today? No external communication or discussion is necessary.

You don’t even have to start a gratitude list! Just, for a moment, allow your internal self to identify what helps and what hurts and recognize that you can take a small step toward help and a small step away from hurt.